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Manabasa Gurubara Osha and Jhoti Chita

Manabasa is generated from the word Mana, which is a measurement unit in Odisha. On this day, people used to keep a Mana of paddy on a wooden stool and placed some other things and worship it. From this festival, the farmers bring the rice grains to home.

This is believed that Goddess Lakshmi loves a clean house so all women make their houses clean and then makes it beautiful with Jhoti Chita. It is believed that the most beautiful house of the village will be visited by Goddess Lakshmi and can get money and prosperity.

We had collected some photographs of Jhoti and Manabasa Osha by one of our friends. She had captured all these photographs at her village.

* All these photographs are taken by one of our friend at her village.

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