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Kumar Purnima

Kumara Purnima Osha in Odisha

Kumar Purnima
 (Odia: କୁମାର ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣିମା) is a special festival in Odisha. This Purnima is celebrated as Sharad Purnima (also known as Kojagiri Purnima, Navanna Purnima, or Kaumudi Purnima) is a harvest festival celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar month of Ashvin (September–October), marking the end of the monsoon season. It's called Shard Purnima (ଶରତ ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣିମା), because it celebrates during the Autumn Season (ଶରତ ଋତୁ).

Lilly Flower for Kumara Purnima Kumara Purnima in villages of Odisha

Laksmi is also associated with crops and food in Odisha on the occasion of the Kaumudi-Purnima festival. On these days women invoke Laksmi on a mound of new grain and recall a story in which Laksmi's disappearance results in the disappearance of crops and food and her return prompts the return of abundance.

Tala Khukundi or Tala Gaja for Kumara Purnmia Tala Khukundi or Tala Gaja for Kumara Purnmia

Sharad Purnima is known as Kumar Purnima in Odisha, an eastern state of India. Kumar Purnima is the full-moon day in the month of Ashvin in October. This autumn festival is one of the most popular and important festivals of Odisha. 'Kumar' or Kartikeya, the handsome son of Shiva started the war against Tarakasur on this day. He also became the God of War.

Manda Pitha on Kumara Purnmia Preparation of Manda Pitha for Kumara Purnima

As young girls always wish for a handsome husband, they propitiate Kumar who was the most handsome among the Gods. But, peculiarly enough there is no ritual for God, instead, the Sun and the Moon are worshiped. People enjoy their holiday wearing the new dress and playing chess and cards with their family and friends and worshiping the Sun and the Moon gods.

Odisha Girls celebrating Kumara Purnima in 2021

Khai Anjula Arpana by girls on Kumara Purnima Morning

Girls offering Khai Anjula to Suryadev on the morning of Kumara Purnima

Early in the morning, girls wake up much before the sunrise and wear new garments after the bath and perform puja to the Sun god. The puja is called " Janhi Osa". They observe fasting for the day. In the evening when the moon rises they again make Puja offerings of a special variety called "Chanda chakata" and have it after the rituals are over. It is a festival of rejoicing for the girls. All of them sing and dance. In many areas of coastal Odisha the unmarried folk wears new clothes. The songs are of special nature like 'Kuanra punei jahna go '.They also play a kind of game known as Puchi khela. They also indulge in other varieties of country games. On this day the son-in-law is also honored with gifts.

Chanda made from Manda pitha and Khai or Lia in Kumara Purnmia

A delicacy called ‘Chanda chakata’ is made up of ‘khaee’, jaggery, banana, coconut, ginger, sugarcane, talasajja, cucumber, ghee, honey and milk is laid out on a ‘kula’ (winnowing fan) in the shape of a half moon. This 'chanda chkata' is then offered to the moon. Later, it is rolled into fistfuls of balls and partaken of. This tasty delight is also distributed among neighbours.

 Puja Thali for Kumara Purnima

Lord Jagannath and Krishna are prayed throughout the month of ‘Kartika’ that commences from the day after Kumara Purnima till ‘Rasa’ purnima. A special ‘Habisa dalma’ is prepared using ingredients like moong daal, colocasia, green raw banana, ‘oou’ and ghee, without the usage of turmeric. This dalma is eaten once every day, before dusk and remains a diet staple throughout the month of ‘Kartika’.

Odisha Girls worshiping Moon on the evening of Kumara Purnima Odisha Girls worshiping Moon on the evening of Kumara Purnima

Content Source: Wikipedia

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  1. Wonderful. If somebody asks me to write an essay on "Kumara Purnima" it I will ask him/her to read this. I also didn't know english of Kula = winnowing fan !! Nice pics too ..
    Keep it up !

  2. ଭଲ ଚେଷ୍ଟା। ଆଗକୁ ଚାଲୁ ରଖ ।
